I’m thinking about break-ups.

The work break-ups. The relationship break-ups. The break-ups with a part of yourself – a bad habit, a way of being, a view of yourself.

The ones that hinge on a conversation, and they’re done straight away. No more. Just gone.

The ones that seem settled but drag on. Back again, back for a while, back against your better judgement. Until finally, it’s done.

The ones you saw coming but couldn’t avoid. You resisted, you tried, you struggled, but in the end you could no longer hide from the fact that it was over.

The ones that came out of the blue. You thought things were fine, and then all of a sudden it wasn’t. It was over, and you were blindsided.

The tangential ones. Where another break-up came with collateral damage, and you suddenly lost people you cared about. They disappear, alongside the network of family and friends that come with a relationship or a job.

I’ve had all these permutations in my life.

I used to be scared of them. I thought they signalled failure. I was scared of what comes next. Resistant to change.

But life gives you change whether you want it or not. You move states and change schools, your parents divorce, your best friend careens away into illness and addiction.

You try on different identities, change jobs, move countries, move states. You leave beloved bosses, you grapple with the pain of divorce, you emerge stronger and full of fire. Burnished by the flames.

And slowly, you realise that change has become a habit. You’ve learned to “love the sound of your feet walking away from things that aren’t meant for you”.

And this, my friends, is where I find myself.

Once again, I’ve tried on an outfit I thought I wanted. I bought it, took it home, wore it around.

But it doesn’t fit. I can’t do the corporate thing with the resolve and passion it needs. I wish I could, in some ways.

Ironically, for someone who writes a finance blog, I don’t care enough about money to give up things like creative freedom.

Alas, dear reader, I cannot. I make a very unconvincing corporate boss-lady.

My dad observed to me that I’ve never been interested in building an empire. ‘No’, I replied. ‘I want to build a revolution’.

And thus I find myself at a crossroads. My corporate career is asking too high a price. It demands that Fierce Girl stays small and quiet and anonymous.

Sometimes you need an ultimatum to find out what really matters. Asked to choose, I chose the risky path. For the first time in 20 years I’m walking away from a salary, a safety net and all that jazz. It’s kind of nuts.

But if not now, when?

I had a chance meeting in my apartment building recently, where a lovely woman was delivering things to her friend with Stage 4 brain cancer. Her friend is 43 years old and has just months left to live.

Now I don’t want to get all dramatic on you, but sometimes the universe offers up a sign, if you choose to make sense of it. And I ask again, if not now, when?

And so I look to Queen Beyonce for inspiration. “If I’m gonna bet on anyone, I’ll bet on myself”.

What’s next for Fierce Girl.

More Fierceness

Without the shackles of a corporate contract, I’ll be back with my name and my face on the blog. (I did a photo shoot today!)

Gurrrrl, you’re gonna get sick of this face. I’m gonna be out here advocating for change, hustling for women’s empowerment, speaking truth to power, and giving you all the awesome content you need and deserve.

More ways to level up

A blog is a great start to help you change. But real change often comes in the depths of personal connections. So there’ll be more ways to learn and grow and invest. Podcasts, videos, webinars – whatever you like ladies!

And events – all the events. Seminars, and workshops that bring all this stuff to life.

More epic shit to help you step into your power

Education is only one part of the path to getting your shit together with money. The other piece is behavioural change, to help you make good decisions on the reg. Fierce Girl will be giving you tools to make good decisions, as well as the education that underpins it.

And don’t worry, there’ll still be a ton of free stuff. The blog will always be free. But some of you want more, Imma make you pay for it. A sista’s gotta make a living up in here!

I’m working on a new brand and website and it’s gonna be awesome.

So that’s the update today. Thanks for listening… And sharing and supporting. Let’s get cracking on the revolution.