
Fierce Girl Finance

Get fierce about your financial future


March 2017

Getting a home loan: a Fierce Girl guide for rookies

So you're going  to buy a property? Congratulations! You must have sold an organ or won the lottery. Maybe you saved your arse off, or got some help from the parentals. Either way, you have squirreled away enough money for a... Continue Reading →

What marriage – and divorce – taught me about money

My house was sold on Saturday. It sounds exciting but is in fact painful. It's one of the last steps on the road to settling my divorce. Regardless of the price my property commanded, selling it was one more loss in... Continue Reading →

IWD2017: 4 grown-up things every woman should do with her money

Yay, it's International Women's Day! What are we going to do to celebrate? We could start a bloody revolution that changes the course of history for the century. Oh wait, that's already been done - by the Russians in 1917.... Continue Reading →

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