Don’t just take my word for it. Here are some great resources made by people smarter, more talented or better funded than me:

MoneySmart This is a perfect place to start. Let me tell you why.
1. It’s funded by the government, so nobody is trying to sell you anything. (Always put on your dubious face when someone gives you money advice at the same time as selling you something).
2. It covers pretty much every money topic, from budgeting through to investments and insurance.
3) It has some very cool tools and apps if you want to get interactive. There actually tons, covering mortgages, savings and super, but let me call out some pearls:

The Money Mentor Way by Nicole Pederson-McKinnon – Nicole is a pro with the money tips and an awesome human being as well (yeah, I know her and am a bit of a fangirl). She has a ton of advice in her newspaper columns, but also a website with an actionable plan (for a fee). But she should charge, partly because she knows her shit, but also because, when you pay for something, you are more likely to follow it.

Barefoot Investor – Scott Pape is down-to-earth and straight-talking about how to get ahead with your money. He does sell you membership, but most of his blogs and tips are free. He is like a slightly bogan uncle telling you how it is, and a little bit of what you need to hear but don’t want to.

Suze Orman – This chick is a big deal – she’s Oprah’s favourite finance columnist for a start. She has a show in the US where you tell her what you want to buy and what your finances look like, and she tells you if you can afford it. (She says no a fair bit!) Some of her advice is only relevant to the US, but much of it is just darn good advice about looking after yourself. Check her out – she’s a bundle of inspiring energy.

Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) – If you’re thinking about investing in shares, this is a good place to start. They have a bunch of free resources to get you started. You should probably speak to a financial adviser or broker as well, but this site gives you enough basic knowledge to ask the right questions and not look like Elle Woods on her first day Harvard.


Annuity.Org – Don’t be put off by the boring name. This US-based site has some great resources for women, designed by professionals. They also talk a lot about annuities, which are retirement income products. More popular in the US, but growing in availability in Australia.