
Fierce Girl Finance

Get fierce about your financial future


July 2017

What I’ve learnt from a year of running a finance blog

Today is the first anniversary of The Fierce Girl's Guide to Finance. Yay! I feel happy and proud about that. It's been fun, hasn't it? If you're new to Fierce Girl, thanks for coming here. If you'e a long-time follower,... Continue Reading →

4 tips to help avoid a spending blow-out

Do you ever feel like there's an devil on your shoulder convincing you to spend money? I'm not sure if it's the same devil who says 'yes, you need another shot at 1am', or just a close relative of hers.... Continue Reading →

You have 300 paydays left. Seriously. So, what’s your plan?

Last week, I ruined everyone's Friday by dropping this truthbomb. Seriously, if you're in your 30s and plan to retire in your 60s, you don't actually have many paydays left. It's easy to work out (if you get paid monthly).... Continue Reading →

Bad at saving money? Here’s why – and what to do about it

I got asked today 'how do you have the discipline to diet?'. Since I was eating a Bounty at that moment, I'm not sure why. (To be fair, it was a piece of someone else's Bounty, so there are obviously... Continue Reading →

The secret to guilt-free spending

Sounds too good to be true huh? Like the promise of diet cheesecake or hangover-free wine. But I spent a whole day with a guy last week, who I can only call the Money Whisperer, and he explained how it... Continue Reading →

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