
Fierce Girl Finance

Get fierce about your financial future


July 2019

Two insider tips from the finance industry that may just make you rich

Haha sorry about the clickbaity title. But it's kind of true. These two things may just help you get past your fear and lack of confidence about investing. You see, there are a lot of vested interests who like to... Continue Reading →

Ever feel like finance isn’t your thing? It’s not you, it’s them

Sometimes I just can't keep my mouth shut. Working in finance, I'm constantly surrounded by a majority of men. It's not my ideal but it's a fact of life. But last week I couldn't hold myself back. I opened a... Continue Reading →

Just a conversation with a (very) sassy friend who has mastered the art of life

So that title is a quote about me. I love it, but feel a little fraudulent because I have definitely not mastered anything. Anyway, it's by the awesome Erika Jonsson, and we are having a bromance, but the girl version.... Continue Reading →

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